Covid - 19
Current Govenment Advice is that if your child tests positive they should isolate for 3 days if possible, this increases to 5 days for adults. Please continue to inform us if your child tests positive so we can monitor cases in school.
If your child is self isolating but well enough to work, please log on to SeeSaw where your child's class teacher can set and receive work. You can also click on the button belowto take you to the home learning page where you can access daily work, along with links to books, reading at home, sport at home and keeping well mentally.
Any work completed can be uploaded on to Seesaw for the class teacher to look at.
COVID-19 Policies and information (for all others please see Key Info section of the website)
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
Addendum (During Covid-19 Dec 2020)
Addendum (During Covid-19 April 2020)
Annex A (During Covid-19)
Lockdown lens (During Covid-19)
Remote Learning Information Leaflet for Staff and Children
Acceptable use of IT, the internet and electronic communication policy
Privacy Notice for Covid-19 Track and Trace